Saturday, March 10, 2012

End Of Week Seven

Oh, this is going very slow.  Many days I feel like throwing in the towel, and, in fact, I did eat some Irish soda bread twice this week that my sister Diane very kindly surprised me with!  But even with that I did lose another pound this week, so that's something anyway.  I need more incentive though, so if the weather warms up next week I'll go out walking with the baby, maybe that will jump-start my metabolism a little.  I read that many times your body will go into 'starvation mode' when you are trying to lose weight.  I wonder why your body tries to hang onto something so unhealthy such as so much fat?  Oh well.

End of Week Seven ~ 9 pounds lighter and 56 pounds more to go!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Eileen. A pound is a pound is a pound! Right now, a pound lost would make me very, very happy...I've hit a plateau WAY too early in the process. I DO think my clothes are fitting better...and my husband says he can "tell". Now, if only the SCALE would "tell"!
